
【招生·面向全球】2023北京大学“知识体系平台(CCKS)下的影人年谱” 研究生暑期学校学员征集启事


2023 Peking University "Chronicle of Filmmakers in the Knowledge System Platform (CCKS)"Graduate Summer School Announcement





The Graduate Summer School on "Chronicle of Filmmakers in the Knowledge System Platform (CCKS)" is jointly organized by the School of Arts, Peking University, the Graduate School of Peking University, and the Major Project on Chinese Cinematic Knowledge System Research of the National Social Science Fund (22ZD10) project team. The project is led by Professor Daoxin LI, Vice Dean of the School of Arts at Peking University and Changjiang Distinguished Professor. Professor Li also serves as the Principal Investigator of the Major Project on Chinese Cinematic Knowledge System Research of the National Social Science Fund.


The summer school will be held on-campus at the School of Arts, Peking University from August 6th to 12th, 2023. The program includes cutting-edge academic lectures, expert lectures, practical workshops, master dialogues, thematic discussions, project presentations, etc. It aims to attract 50 students from relevant fields worldwide, creating a vibrant academic environment. Experts and students from different countries and regions around the world will gather together. On this platform, everyone can freely share their research achievements, innovative ideas, and engage in academic research, fostering creativity and inspiration through intellectual collisions and experiential exchanges.




Summer School Information

时  间:2023年8月6日—12日

Duration: August 6th to 12th, 2023


Number of Students: 50  


Tuition Fee: Free

形  式:线下授课

Format: On-Campus lectures

地  点:北京大学艺术学院

Location: School of Arts, Peking University



Teaching Content and Schedule

1. 暑期学校主体课程

Main Courses of the Summer School


The summer school will focus on the topic of "Chronicle of Filmmakers in the Knowledge System Platform (CCKS)" and invite renowned scholars from China and abroad to share their insights. The specific directions are as follows:


Direction 1: The Academic Transformation of Film Studies in the Era of Data Intelligence


To break the inherent patterns of traditional film research, integrating the achievements of emerging human technologies into film studies, and innovating the methodologies of film research.


Direction 2: Chinese Cinematic Knowledge System Platform (CCKS)

分享、展示中国电影知识体系平台(CCKS, movie.yingshi.net)搭建路径、成果、经验,并以CCKS为范例,探讨该平台的提升路径。

Sharing and showcasing the construction process, achievements, and experiences of the Chinese Cinematic Knowledge System Platform (CCKS, movie.yingshi.net), and using CCKS as an example to explore the path of its enhancement.


Direction 3: Chronicle of Filmmakers, Digital Humanities, and Platform Construction


Exploring new approaches to the study and writing of chronicles of filmmakers based on CCKS, and discussing the construction and maintenance of knowledge platforms based on digital humanities.


Direction 4: CCKS and Research on the Chinese Cinematic Knowledge System


Based on the CCKS, explore the interactive connections of the film knowledge system and contemplate how to further develop an autonomous, comprehensive, authoritative, and open-sharing Chinese Cinematic Knowledge System on the foundation of CCKS.


Students will conduct in-depth discussions on the topics of chronicle of filmmakers, digital humanities, platform construction, and knowledge system research. On the final day of the program, they are required to submit a research report.

2. 北京⼤学海外名家讲学计划

Peking University Distinguished Visiting Professor Lecture Series

除常规暑期课程外,本届暑期学校还将联合北京⼤学海外名家讲学计划,邀请华盛顿大学西雅图校区人文科学系Byron W. 和Alice L. Lockwood讲席教授,比较文学、电影和媒体系教授柏右铭(Yomi Braester),日本东京大学综合文化研究科韩燕丽(韓燕麗)教授,韩国釜山国立大学艺术学院文宽奎(문관규)教授亲临北大燕园,面对面开展电影研究相关的前沿系列讲座。

In addition to the regular summer courses, this summer school will also collaborate with the Peking University Distinguished Visiting Professor Lecture Program. Distinguished professors, including Yomi Braester, the Byron W. and Alice L. Lockwood Professor of Humanities and Professor of Comparative Literature, Film, and Media Studies at the University of Washington; Yanli Han, Professor at the Graduate School of Comprehensive Culture Studies, the University of Tokyo; and Gwan-gyu Mun, Professor at the School of Arts, Pusan National University. The Distinguished Visiting Professors will deliver cutting-edge lectures on film studies face-to-face at Peking University's Campus. The lecture topics are as follows:




· Professor Yomi Braester: 

Shards of Space and Time: New Media Goes to Town

· Professor Yanli Han : 

Film Studies in the Digital Age: Authorship and the Range of Feminist Film Theory

· Professor Gwan-gyu Mun: 

Network Narratives in the East Asian Cinema in the Hyper-connected Era

3. 名师对谈

Master Talk



As part of the closing ceremony of the summer school, there will be a dialogue session featuring Professor Yomi Braester from the University of Washington, Professor Yanli Han from the University of Tokyo, Professor Kwan-gyu Mun from Pusan National University, and Professor Daoxin LI and Professor Yang LI from Peking University.

The topic of the dialogue will be: Film Studies in China, the United States, France, Japan, and South Korea: The Status Quo and New Trends.


(Note: Please follow the official WeChat account of "School of Arts, Peking University" for more information. The introductions of the Peking University Visiting Scholars Lecture Program, the Dialogue with Five Distinguished Professors have been released on June 30, 2023.)







July 1-20, 2023: Application Call

July 22, 2023: Announcement of admitted students and sending of official summer school acceptance letters.

August 6-12, 2023: Summer school session.

具体时间安排如下 Detailed schedule


内容 Content


June 30, 2023


Announcement of call-for-applicationand series of activities


July 1-20, 2023


Application and expert evaluation


July 20, 2023


Application Deadline


July 22, 2023


Announcement of student acceptance results


August 6-12, 2023


Summer school session



Application Materials and Application Guidelines


For this summer school, a combined selection criteria of "application form" + "personal academic resume" + "research plan or previous relevant research achievements" will be used to select 50 participants.


List of Application Materials


(申请表获取方式:点开附件夹下载附件 );

Application form for the 2023 Peking University Graduate Summer School on "Chronicle of Filmmakers in the Knowledge System Platform (CCKS)"

(Please download the application form by clicking on the attachment folder.).


Personal academic resume.


Research plan or previous relevant research achievements (published or unpublished).


Student ID/Work ID (scanned copy or photo).


Proof of language proficiency (electronic version).


Proof of awards (specifying specific time, awards, and publication carriers, if any).


Application Guidelines


The deadline for application is July 20, 2023. Please send the application materials to ccks_pku@163.com.


The subject of the email should be in the following format: Name + School/Institution + Major + Research Interests.



1.姓名 申请表

2.姓名 个人学术简历

3.姓名 研究计划/前期研究成果名称

4.姓名 学生证/工作证 学校/单位名称

5.姓名 外语水平证明

6.姓名 获奖证明


Please name all the attached documents as follows:

Name - Application Form

Name - Personal Academic Resume

Name - Research Plan/Previous Research Achievements Title

Name - Student ID/Work ID - School/Institution

Name - Proof of Language Proficiency

Name - Proof of Awards

(Note: Please use Word documents for the application form and research plan.)


The results of the selection will be announced on July 22, 2023, and will be published on the official WeChat account of the School of Arts, Peking University or communicated separately.



Application Material Requirements


Application Form Requirements

 (1) 请保证全部申请材料的真实性和准确性;

Ensure the authenticity and accuracy of all application materials.

 (2) 中英文报名表选择其一填写即可;

Choose either the Chinese or English version of the application form to fill out.


Personal Academic Resume Requirements

(1) 申请人应为研究生在读或已取得研究生学位的学者;已有前期准备,并有志于相关领域学术研究者,可适当放宽要求。

Applicants should be graduate students or scholars who have obtained a graduate degree. Those who have made prior preparations and are interested in related academic research may be considered even if they are not currently enrolled in a graduate program.

(2) 申请人应具备良好的英语听说能力;

Applicants should have good English and Chinese speaking and listening abilities.

(3) 申请人的学术背景应与暑期课程的主题具有相关性。

Applicants' academic background should be relevant to the topics of the summer school courses.


 Research Proposal or Previous Relevant Research Achievements Requirements


The theme of this year's summer school is digital humanities, chronicle of filmmakers, and research on the Chinese Cinematic Knowledge System. The research proposal should include research background, objectives, methods, results, and their significance, with a minimum word count of 1,500 words.

Research proposals related to the following topics are encouraged but not limited to:

(1) 影人年谱的编纂与数字化

Compilation and digitization of chronicles of filmmakers

(2) 影人知识平台与知识社群的运营、管理与发展

Operation, management, and development of filmmaker knowledge platforms and communities

(3) 影人生涯地理与人文历史

Geographical and cultural history of filmmakers' careers

(4) 影人创作理念、思想理论与艺术成就

Filmmakers' creative ideas, theoretical thinking, and artistic achievements

(5) 影人影响力与文化价值

Filmmakers' influence and cultural value

(6) 影人形象塑造与公众接受

Filmmakers' image shaping and public reception

(7) 数字人文与影人年谱研究

Digital humanities and research on chronicles of filmmakers

(8) 人工智能与数字人文方法创新:数据挖掘、整理、清洗及可视化等

Innovation of artificial intelligence and digital humanities methods: data mining, organization, cleaning, and visualization

(9) 知识社群运营

Operation of knowledge communities



Previous relevant research achievements, such as papers, research reports, monographs, translations, teaching cases, original digital platforms/software/tools, are also welcomed.




Student Benefits




The summer school is free of charge for all admitted students.

Students are responsible for their own accommodation and meals. In case of special circumstances, subsidies or corresponding support may be available by application.

After completing all the learning tasks, students will receive a certificate of completion for the 2023 Peking University Graduate Summer School on "Chronicle of Filmmakers in the Knowledge System Platform (CCKS)."





易  婧 YI Jing:yijing@pku.edu.cn

周丹丹 ZHOU Dandan:zhoudandan@stu.pku.edu.cn



School of Arts, Peking University


Graduate Summer School on "Chronicle of Filmmakers in the Knowledge System Platform (CCKS)"


June 30, 2023


Summer School Faculty


(In order of lecture)



Daoxin LI is a professor and vice dean of School of Arts at Peking University. He is the first Changjiang distinguished professor in Film studies in China. His main teaching and research interests are Chinese film history, culture, theory and criticism. He has published over 300 papers on Chinese film in the core journals and newspaper, including Literature & Art Studies, Film Art, Contemporary Cinema, People’s Daily, Guangming Daily. His major publications include History of Chinese Film Criticism (1897-2000), History of Chinese Film Culture (1905-2004), History of Chinese Film Communication (1949-1979), Film and Television Criticism, Theory and Criticism.



Benjun Zhu is a research librarian at Peking University Library, with a PhD in management. He is one of the earliest researchers and practitioners of digital humanities at Peking University. He is mainly engaged in the research of regional and country studies literature security, digital humanities infrastructure, and digital library related fields, and is in charge of the development of the key infrastructure of digital humanities, "Chinese Unified Time Scale Platform" (www.histchina.cn).



Chunfang Li, a postdoctoral fellow, is an associate professor in the School of Computer and Cyberspace Security, Communication University of China. She graduated from the School of Computer Science/Automation, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and is a visiting scholar in the School of Arts, Peking University. His main research interests: metric cinema, film and television big data, data visualization, interpretable artificial intelligence. He has led the development of China Film Knowledge System Platform (movie.yingshinet.com), RuYi Script System (ruyi.cool), Image and Textbook (www.yingshinet.com), and China Film Translation Database (film.yingshinet.com).

柏右铭(Yomi Braester)

华盛顿大学西雅图校区人文科学系Byron W. and Alice L. Lockwood讲席教授,比较文学、电影和媒体系教授;《华语电影学刊》 (Journal of Chinese Cinemas)主编。主要致力于文学与视觉文化实践研究,关注中国当下的建筑、广告、影像媒介以及舞台艺术;他的研究聚焦于文本和影像如何形构并操控我们对于空间和历史的感知。著有《见证历史:二十世纪中国的文学、电影和公众话语》(2003 年)和《Painting the City Red: Chinese Cinema and the Urban Contract》(2010 年)等。曾获得古根海姆学者奖学金、约瑟夫-莱文森图书奖、中国比较文学协会主席(2006-2008)、北京电影学院杰出客座教授、中国人民大学杰出海外学者等。

Yomi Braester is the Byron W. and Alice L. Lockwood Endowed Professor in the Department of Humanities at the University of Washington, Seattle. He is also a professor in Comparative Literature, Film, and Media Studies. He serves as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Chinese Cinemas. His research primarily focuses on the study of literature and visual cultural practices, with a particular interest in contemporary architecture, advertising, film, media, and performing arts in China. His research explores how texts and images shape and manipulate our perception of space and history. He has authored several books, including Witness against History: Literature, Film, and Public Discourse in Twentieth-Century China (2003) and Painting the City Red: Chinese Cinema and the Urban Contract (2010). Professor Braester has received numerous accolades, including the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Joseph Levenson Book Prize, and the presidency of the Chinese Comparative Literature Association (2006-2008). He has also been appointed as a distinguished visiting professor at the Beijing Film Academy and an outstanding overseas scholar at Renmin University of China.



Zhanghong Qiu, born in Tongcheng, Anhui Province, doctor's degree in philosophy and economics, is a Professor of the School of Art, Peking University. The director of the Department of Film and Television, the director of the Experimental Center of Digital Media of Peking University and the Country level editor of China. Mainly engaged in research work on film economics, 3D film, interactive narrative studies and computational communication research. Presided six provincial and ministerial scientific research projects of the Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, the Ministry of Culture and Guangdong Province. Presided four national key scientific research projects such as National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), science and Technology Support Plan, and National Social Science Fund. Authored of <Fourth Box Office> and <The Beauty of Depth>.

陈  刚


Gang Chen is the vice-dean of School of Art and Communication, Director of the Department of TV Movie and Media and Professor of Beijing Normal University. "Four batch" talent of Beijing Municipal Propaganda and Culture System, young innovative leader of Beijing radio and television industry and network audiovisual industry. Director of Theoretical Critics Committee of China Film Association, Director of China Film Critics Society, Director of China Xia Yan Film Society, Director of Beijing Film Association and the visiting scholar of Duke University. Mainly engaged in film history and theory, film art creation and film digital humanities research.



Qiuwen Tan is the editor of Contemporary Cinema, executive editor of Contemporary Animation, and director of the Chinese Film Critics Association; his main research interests are Chinese film history and contemporary film culture; he has published more than 40 academic papers and four individual books.



Jiefeng Chen, Ph.D., is a Professor of the School of Journalism and Communication, Anhui Normal University, supervisor for doctoral students. His research interests are new media art, network literature, and art, media philosophy.



Wenxin Tan, Ph.D., is a Professor of the School of Film Arts and Culture Communication, Changsha College, supervisor for master’s students. He is a visiting scholar at the School of Art, Peking University. His research interests are Chinese film history and contemporary literature.

文宽奎 문관규 (文寬奎)

부산대학교 예술대학 예술문화영상학과 교수


Mun Gwan gyu is a professor in the Department of Art and Culture Film Studies at Pusan National University's College of Arts. He also serves as the Director of the Film Research Institute and the President of the Korean Society of Film Studies.


东京大学综合文化研究科教授,博士生导师,日本京都大学博士。曾任东京国际电影节亚洲部门评审。主要研究方向是海外华人的电影制作及其身份认同。主要著作有《ナショナル・シネマの彼方にて--中国系移民の映画とナショナル・アイデンティティ》(国别电影的彼岸---中国移民的电影及其身份认同)日本:晃洋书房,2014年。合著有《男性羁绊,亚洲电影》日本:平凡社,2004年。《粤港電影因縁》香港電影資料館,2005年。《现代好莱坞电影论集》日本:人文书院,2008年,《冷戦與香港電影》香港電影資料館,2009年。WWII Cultural Politics around East Asian Cinema:1939-2018,TransPacific Press,2019年等多部。

Yanli HAN is a professor and doctoral advisor in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo, she graduated from the University of Tokyo, Japan with a Ph.D. She was a judge for the Asian section of the Tokyo International Film Festival. Her main research focus is on the film production and identity formation of overseas Chinese. She is the author of the book Beyond National Cinema: Chinese Immigrant Films and National Identity (2014, Koyo Shobo). She has also co-authored works such as Male Bonds, Asian Cinema (2004, Heibonsha), Hong Kong Cinema: Fates Intertwined (2005, Hong Kong Film Archive), Collection of Essays on Modern Hollywood Cinema (2008, Jinbun Shoin), The Cold War and Hong Kong Cinema (2009, Hong Kong Film Archive), and WWII Cultural Politics around East Asian Cinema: 1939-2018 (2019, Trans Pacific Press), among others. Additionally, she has published several papers including "Tracing Overseas Shadows: Film Production of Chinese Immigrants in Silent Film Era" in Contemporary Cinema (2016) and "Film Screenings in Pre-War Brazilian Nikkei Society" in EX: Journal of Language and Culture (2017).

李  洋


Yang LI is a professor of Art Theory & Film Studies, the vice-dean of the School of Arts, Peking University, Ph.D. in Film Studies from the Université de Lille (2008). Professor Li is the Changjiang Young Distinguished Professor and is the Senior Visiting Scholar of the Erasmus Program of the EEES. He also serves as the Deputy Director of the Fine Arts Education Professional Committee of the China Higher Education Association, and independent film producer. His main research interests include European film history, film theory, and contemporary Western art theory. He has led and participated in various projects funded by the National Social Science Fund and has published over 40 articles in journals such as Literary Studies and Film Art. He is the author of books such as The Ethics of Gaze and A History of Cult Films, and has translated works such as Badiou on Cinema and Conversation avec Sergio Leone. He serves as the editor-in-chief of the "New Cinephilia Series" and is the initiator of the "Cinephilia Spirit Award" project. He has also served as a jury member for the Shanghai International Film Festival, Beijing International Film Festival, the University Film Festival of China, FIRST Youth Film Festival (Xi Ning), and Hong Kong Fresh Wave International Film Festival, among others.

统    筹 | 易    婧

文案编辑 | 栗    琳 周丹丹 李思锐 柴    波

海报设计 | 朱子彤 陈墨非

议程安排 | 易    婧 陈    都

海外联络 | 严婧瑞 温    岩





